Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chocolate Spotlight: TerraSource Chocolates

One of the coolest businesses I know of is TerraSource Chocolates, owned by Josie Pradella.  Terrasouce offers organic, vegan, fair trade chocolates using locally produced fruits and spirits. Terrasource is one of those businesses that's founded on the principle of doing well by doing good.  

Two-piece favor boxes are perfect for weddings.  They are made from specialty paper containing native prairie seeds grown and harvested in the midwest. Your wedding guests get to enjoy handcrafted vegan dark chocolates sourced with local, organic and fair trade ingredients, then plant the box paper to plant a native prairie garden appropriate to the midwest bioregion.

Another fabulous product Terrasouce offers is "Share Squares" which are used to raise funds for Solar Cookers InternationalThrough the Share Squares program, Terrasource Chocolates was able to send 60 solar ovens to Haiti in 2010.  These solar cookers are not only used to prepare food, but also to purify water. The Share squares are packaged in compostable cellophane and the tags are produced from high recycled-content paper.  Share Squares are dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free and delicious

Finally, Josie  is a co-founder of Dane Buy Local which is a network of locally owned businesses, who support one another and our community. She works to engage other businesses to find common areas that they can work together. 

Here are a few testimonials.

"These are bold, new chocolates with great "local" flavors. I love them!"
- Rick Richards

"Dark chocolate is good for your health - these chocolates are good for your soul."
- Sara Richards

Here are some specs:
Phone: 608-221-0588 or toll-free (877) 808-9217
Email: josie@terrasourcechocolates.com 
Business Associations Green America Greener Business certified member, co-founder of Dane Buy Local,
Good Works: Share Squares Solar Cookers for Haiti, TerraSource is also uses organic ingredients, eco-friendly packaging and uses fair-trade practices
Address: TerraSource Chocolates LLC, P.O. Box 14114, Madison, WI 53708-0114
Pricing: Check out the online catalog for pricing on the various products.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm... looks really yummy. I'll add it to the Chocolate Map.


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